Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Cats vs. Baby: Ex-Utero Edition

So if you followed the blog when I was pregnant, you may be wondering whatever happened to our situation with the cats. First of all, our cat Tim stopped peeing a looong time ago, so we didn't have to call on the ex-president for help, after all.

In fact, it turns out that so far our worries had been all for naught. For the first four or so weeks, the cats politely avoided the little screaming beast that had interrupted their peaceful lives, and since then they've resumed what we call the cuddle offensive. Fred, especially, has decided that no lap is too small for both baby and cat:
Their only complaint that we can see, anyway, is that they protest to the fact that we've started locking them in the basement at night. But we can live with extra meows; and besides, in general they seem to take their aggression out on each other more than us. Apparently our basement is just a little too small for the three of them to be able to spend the night together peacefully.

Incidentally, Holden's started noticing the cats and following them around with his eyes. So it's only a matter of weeks before he's grabbing their tails! Thus will begin the next chapter of "cats vs. baby."

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