Friday, January 8, 2010

The big 2 month appointment

On Monday we "celebrated" Holden's 2-month birthday with a trip to the doctor's office, where the poor little guy was subjected to one cruel act of torture after another, although it may have been equally as traumatizing to the parents. The good news, which I'll get to in a moment, is that Holden is doing just great and is growing just as the little guy should be. But first, a run down of the trauma:

After trudging through the frigid temperatures and waiting just a wee-bit too long in the office, the nurse had us strip him down to his diapers, stretch him out to measure him, and weigh him on a cold scale. This made Holden realize that 1) he doesn't like being cold; and 2) "hey I'm hungry!" This meant that I had to nurse him while we waited for the doctor to arrive. And once she did, Holden did not enjoy being forced to stop eating, and so after attempting to calm him down in other ways, I had to nurse him while the doctor did the check-up. (You can see how this was difficult for the parents, too, right?) A screaming baby, by the way, doesn't do well at showing his neck strength and other awesome skills...

Anyway, after the check-up, Holden got his 2 month shots, one on each leg...and if we thought he had been angry before...well...!

After finally nursing him again, bundling him up, and strapping him into his car seat, Holden finally calmed down. In fact, as these pictures demonstrate, he was downright happy to be done with the whole experience. I think we looked much worse for wear than he did!

As far as his stats go, he went from 7 lbs, 10 oz at 1 month, to 9 lbs, 14 oz, at 2 months, which is a slightly better than average gain! (And just that one feeding short of 10 lbs.) Once in the 7th percentile, he is now a proud member of the 10th percentile club (though his head circumference is in the 25th percentile, oddly enough). Yes he sure packs on the pounds. Small but scrappy as we like to say.

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