Friday, January 8, 2010

Over the river and through the woods to grandmother's house we go

Last weekend Holden had his first trip to the Lake of the Ozarks, a resort area about 3 hours away from St. Louis where the paternal grandparents live half-time (where it was much colder than it looks here), and much fun was had by all. Since Holden is a growing boy and has finally outgrown those newborn outfits, Mike and I had a good time finding him some new clothes at the outlets, and Holden enjoyed hanging with the g-parents checking out their digs, which features a full-length mirror in the dining room--a very big deal in his world. And he did great on the trip there and trip back, sleeping the whole way in his cozy new teddy bear snow suit.

The only hiccup in the whole affair was that we underestimated how many diapers to bring, and only realized this Saturday night, mere minutes before the 11 pm store closing. Man this kid is one digesting machine! Now that Holden's packed on some weight, we're hoping to start trying out some bum genius cloth diapers, or "smart butt" diapers as Mike likes to call them--with the hopes that they'll hold more than the disposables we're currently using. And as an added bonus: they're made locally, in St. Louis! Stay tuned--I'm sure we'll have much to blog about on that topic.

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow, I didn't know Bum Genius diapers are made in STL. I used the 3.0 version while I was on maternity leave. They are pretty schnazzy little inventions. Good luck!
