Friday, February 12, 2010

Ain't Nothin' But a Sleep Thang

Well, it seems that at just over 3 months old, the sleep battle may have begun this week. It's all Holden vs. falling asleep on his own, and it might get ugly soon. This past week, to help solve the nursing-to-sleep associations for Holden, we decided that sleep would be daddy's project -- and if we're really going to give this "co-parenting" stuff the old college try, this would only make sense (since Bryna had more than enough stress and frustration with the breastfeeding project).

Night #1 was a real cage match between Holden and daddy, with it taking several attempts to get Holden to fall asleep in his crib (finally caving-in and allowing him to fall into a deep sleep in my arms, and then slowly transitioning him to his crib without him even knowing it was happening). He woke up twice during the night.

Night #2, Bryna and I decided it might be best if she left the house (to go to the gym, which is something we both thought we'd have time for after Holden was born ... huh, whatever). I spent lots of time with Holden, who was very awake, trying to sooth and rock him. After the process gave me a migraine headache, I simply sat in the rocking chair with him until he fell deep asleep (and in the process, so did I ... briefly). I laid him down in his crib VERY carefully, and slowly slid my hand out from under his head one millimeter at a time (seriously). It's like playing that old game "Operation," trying to be a careful as possible or ... ZAP!!! goes the buzzer and you've lost. Same deal here. Holden stayed asleep, and I crashed on the couch downstairs with some Advil and my own blankie (yes, I needed to be soothed now). Holden woke up twice again that night, but the second time (at 5:30am) we decided NO FEEDING and he would need to deal with it (which he did).

Night #3 is coming up tonight ... and I'm sure it has lots of fun in store. Do we dare try one of the "cry-it-out" methods or a variation?? How long until Holden can fall asleep without the careful and time-consuming rocking, feeding, and comforting that allows daddy to get him in a deep enough sleep to lay him down in the crib without waking (tricking him into the crib, essentially).

I'll keep you posted. And I swear that there's a full "co-parenting" post on its way (it's in my head, I just can't find the time to blog as much these days ... wonder why).

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