Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Over the past few days Holden's teething problems have kicked into high gear, leaving Mike and I to wonder, does he really need teeth? Because--besides the whole chewing food thing--they really are just a bother, aren't they?

The books tell us the first tooth is the worst, and we're hoping this to be true, because our little guy's become quite the fussy mess. Not all the time, mind you (and not everyday), but by mid afternoon on some days, the pain--or impatience with the pain, perhaps--builds to a climax, leaving him ranting in little crying fits, grabbing our hands, and chomping down. Last night, the teething woes woke him up twice, forcing us to pull out the tylenol, a cold wet washcloth, and some orajel. Yet besides some slightly swollen gums there is no hint of a tooth to be found. The books say this could take weeks (already has), or...months. Gulp.


  1. The best thing ever I did for my Max was getting a bottle of Orajel for babies. And giving him some baby tyl. For some odd reason I was trying to not make it a regular thing to give him it but when I had a long talk with one of my mom and me group moms I gave my head a shake. It helped soooo much. Also taking one of his baby facecloths and wetting it, putting it in freezer till really cool and letting him go to town on it. Good luck with the teething. Poor little bambino.. :)

  2. Poor kiddo. I agree that teething gel stuff is the bomb. I know there is all that advice that it impairs nursing or whatever, but I didn't experience that. With my boy, the first molars were much more painful that the first teeth.

  3. Thanks for the tips. Sounds like we're right on track.

    But Amy, ugh, molars are worse than the first? I don't like the sound of that! Actually, he's been his pleasant self for the last couple of days; it seems like the teething comes in little fits and waves. Is that normal?
