Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Okay, I'm sold

Like Mike, I am now convinced the bjorn is just about the greatest thing ever. Now that spring has sprung in St. Louis, Holden and I have started taking lunchtime walks, which puts him into a state of cooing happiness almost instantly. Much to my surprise, I've learned that if we go for a walk he: a) can stay up longer between naps, and b) will nap much later in the afternoon. So I've now incorporated it into our daily routine and crossing my fingers that it doesn't rain too hard the over the next few days. It's nice to know our boy loves the outdoors as much as we do.

1 comment:

  1. Oh hey, you know what I saw the other day...special drool protectors made for the baby bjorn. Maybe something you could use soon with your droolin' boy? OK, sure, probably a little towel would do, but that would be un-american.
