Saturday, June 20, 2009

Was that a kick, an elbow, or a nudge?

It really doesn't matter, because I GOT TO FEEL THE BABY MOVE this morning for the first time!! Needless to say (although I'll say it anyway), VERY exciting! I had not expected to feel the baby move for several weeks, even though Bryna has been feeling movements for a while now. While I know this news (like healthcare, the incidents in Iran, etc.) will certainly fade to the background due to the arrival of the new iPhone 3GS, but it's at the top of my headlines -- sorry, I had to make a subtle dig at the iPhone craze; just wait till I upgrade to the next iPhone that will Tweet on its own, stream realtime HD video to the entire universe, cook, clean, and change our baby's diapers for us ; )

I'm not sure it was an official kick, since it felt like the baby was kind of rolling or changing positions when I felt it "nudge" against my hand. So I'll officially categorize this as a nudge. I am looking forward to an official "kick."

I also bought a little outfit for Short Stranger today (kind of a father's day gift for myself, since I wanted to get it so bad). It is dinosaur themed, but I would have gotten it even if we were having a girl -- it was irresistable, and the socks have little dinosaur claws on them.

1 comment:

  1. That is a really viscereal moment, isn't it. Happy that you got to have it earlier than expected.
