Tuesday, June 30, 2009

the big read...

so, we've decided to start reading to our future baby while he's still in the womb. Research clearly indicates that babies can hear sounds from inside the womb by 20 weeks or earlier, and they can begin to recognize their parents voices. What better way to connect (or "bond") with our 'babe' than by reading to it each night before we go to bed. We're starting with some classics, and we'll see if we get any kicks of approval.

Maybe by the time Short Stranger is born, reading these same books will have a calming effect -- some research does suggest that newborn babies can sometimes recognize an actual story read to it repeatedly while in the womb. I figured that reading a book would be more calming for all involved than listening repeatedly to Black Eyed Peas' "Boom Boom Pow" (certainly to have a shorter shelf-life than MJ's greatest hits).

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