Monday, June 1, 2009

Project Nest Update: in progress

As "mommy-to-be" is out of town for over a week (sniffle, sniffle), I have tasked myself with trying to get as much done as I can on our house. This past weekend, I was able to knock several items off the list:

1. installed new Garbage Disposal (old one broke) -- this was not quite as easy as it sounds. There should be a big warning on the new disposal box about the knock-out plug (I know, that's a little insider "This Old House" speak or something).

2. moved c. 1904 wrought iron gates from our garage and have begun process of mounting them to our fence. This required significant help from some friends -- these darn gates must have weighed 200-250 pounds a piece, and covered in rust and spider webs. Once they are stably attached to the fence posts, they should make a really cool trellace for some climbing plants (TBD).

3. cut the remainder of the retaining wall stones (a project that has lingered now for officially more than a year) -- this also done with the help of some serious Trailers (friends who also trailed their grad. student spouses to St. Louis for Wash. Univ.'s art history program), and a circular saw with a carbide blade (and it still took more than an hour to make 3 cuts).

4. cleaned out 3/4 of garage (the other 1/4 still needs to be done).

5. picked up new baby-related acoutrements from my brother's place, including swing chair, smaller vibrating chair, and an infant car seat with 2 bases (for 2 eventual cars). After about 5 seconds, Fred jumped into the car seat to test it out . . . no, I did not strap him in it.

As more tasks get done this week with MTB out of town, I will update.

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