Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Gerhard Richter overpaints his kids

If artist Gerhard Richter were going to paint his kids, what would they look like (complete abstract smears? blurry photo-realistic? a painted mirror? other?). Well, as it turns out, he did them as overpainted photographs, of which Gerhard did 566 in total (not just of his children). But DaddyTypes found the ones in this series of his kids . . . kind of cool. I always kind of like Richter's work, but this personal touch is nice, and kind of cute. And I think I like these overpainted photos a lot, too. Here are some that DaddyTypes found out of the 566 from this series:

1 comment:

  1. Have you ever checked out Cake Wrecks? They have some lovely ones people do for baby showers....
    my favorite is the Happy Labor Day cake

    There are also many "art" cakes of sonigram pics etc

    Yep I've been waiting for an occasion to share this...and I'm procrastinating work
