Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Tending to that other baby...

So for the few strangers out there who happen upon our blog and don't already know who we are, along with being Holden's mom, I am also a PhD candidate in art history. This means I have another baby named "dissertation" that I am working to bring into this world. Recently, this baby has been going through the "terrible twos"--and I've had to spend a lot of time nurturing it (ie applying for grants), which is why I've been somewhat lagging on my blog-posting duties. But now, after a whirlwind of conference talks, proposals, and grant applications, my schedule is finally easing up a bit. And what better way to mark this moment than to start the first in a series of posts that focuses on balancing mothering and academia.

Here's the obvious: balancing it all can be tough. It can cause bouts of guilt. You can make you start to question your choices, and there are moments when a person doing this going into academia, especially, wonders if there's any point at all to this whole project. But for me, I can't imagine not working. And more than that--I've found myself even more productive in school since I had a child, and more fulfilled as a parent when I take the time to nurture my intellectual side. But as many out there in academia have noted, there are a lot of obstacles to overcome in this particular career field. Hence, my decision to spend a little more time talking about this issue over the coming days.


  1. Just wanted to comment and tell you that my girlfriend and I received this same fortune in May, the night we found she was pregnant. Kind of curious if you have encountered others with the same story since you have put up this blog.

  2. Anonymous,
    Actually, through having this blog, we've heard from about 3 or 4 different couples who had this same fortune at or around the time they were pregnant. We thought it was very funny when we got the fortune (although we had know that we were expecting for a month or two already). The best part of the fortune is the name "short stranger," which is why we gave that name to our blog and our little then-still-expectant baby. Hope everything is going well for you and your own short stranger.
