Tuesday, June 8, 2010

meet Holden's new BFF ... Talking Carl

While some may shudder at the idea of a 7-month-old spending time playing with a 4-inch computer screen, I am a convert thanks to a little, cute monster named "Talking Carl," an app that we loaded on our iPhones. Our friends Noel and Elissa recommended it, and it has been a life saver in some situations where we simply need a distraction for Holden (like when we were out at dinner last night, and we were just waiting for the bill while Holden was getting fussy ... and, BOOM, Talking Carl to the rescue. Worked like a charm).
I agree with GeekDad on Wired.com that this iPhone app is the best $.99 I've spent in a long time. If this has peaked your interest, feel free to download it here and try it out (I can be our little secret). And if you love Talking Carl like we do, you can visit his Facebook page (cuz, of course he has a Facebook page, right?)

And, whether you love or hate this app, you MUST watch this HILARIOUS video that shows what happens when Talking Carl meets Talking Carl in a scream fight (note: YouTube videos no longer fit in the standard width of our blog, so feel free to jump straight to YouTube to watch the video full size):

1 comment:

  1. that app looks cute, and the video hilarious. I told Dolphin to get it on his phone for Xander. I wonder if Apple knew they were inventing a kids toy. The iphone has come in handy many a time.
