Sunday, June 20, 2010

Holden Is On the Move

I wanted to post a quick update on Holden's passing of this big milestone -- he can now crawl! Over the past few days, he has been working really hard on forward motion, and this weekend he has finally made the leap to a mobile baby. We couldn't catch it on video very easily, since as soon as the video camera comes out Holden stops everything and wants to stare at it. But I finally captured a brief moment of him crawling:

He is crawling both on his stomach (aka "commando style") as well as on his knees. You'll notice that he is working on the basic "cross-crawling" technique, too, which is when a baby moves one arm and the opposite leg together when he moves forward, rather than using an arm and a leg from the same side.

Now's the time for some serious parental panicking, since we need to hit the baby-proofing head on. I vacuumed our living room today so he has some space there to crawl around, but we have lots of things to do before he can move around the house more. And those days where we could leave him to play by himself for a bit on a blanket or play mat are gone (ugh). Little Holden is just growing up so fast!

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