Thursday, May 13, 2010

Sleep problem solved, but a new problem emerges

A couple of weeks ago I posted a short update about our new post-trip sleep problems. After a week or two or sleep training, adjustments to the routine, and general experimentation, we figured out that the problem was that Holden wasn't getting enough food at his final feeding. First we noticed that when Mike fed him with a bottle he wouldn't cry. So at first we thought it was a sleep-association problem. But then one night last week when Mike was away, after nursing him I tried giving him some more milk in a bottle. And...he drank another 5 oz and went to sleep without a wimper. The previous night when I had just nursed him he had cried over an hour. So...needless to say, this was a dramatic difference. Since then we've been supplementing, sometimes with formula (not my favorite option, but we have no other choice), and he's been his normal self, and has been sleeping all the way until 7 am. While I'm happy that we solved this problem, I really sad that my supply seems to be dwindling. Sigh. Any advice from you mothers out there who may have gone through this?


  1. Hey, that's pretty cool that you figured out the cause for the sleep thing. I think I wouldn't have been so perceptive.

    Good luck on the supply issue. I wish I had something more helpful to offer there.

  2. Ugh, Amy--it took a couple of weeks of stress on our part to finally figure it out. We thought for sure it was because our trip to DC had messed up his schedule. And maybe it did--but that didn't seem to be the only problem. Of course now he's teething again like a fiend!
