Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Toddler Behavior

As we approaching age two, our focus is turning more and more to issues of discipline - and the related struggle of deciding when to discipline, and when to let it go. I have no concrete opinions about all of this yet, except to say that I find it difficult to always be consistent about such things. For example, we used to lay down the law (aka "time outs") whenever H. hit, until we realized that sometimes he was doing it playfully. Now we try to encourage "gentle touches" as much as we can, give time outs when there seems to be cruel intentions, and read such books as "Hands Are Not for Hitting." At this age, in fact, books seem to be the best approach to discipline because they provide opportunities to talk about such concepts as 'feelings' and 'actions.' But the thing is, toddlers change so quickly, their verbal skills continually evolve, and their emotions become increasing complex. So sometimes, you think you understand your toddler, then all the sudden they've found a whole new way to express their frustration.

If you too are thinking about these kinds of issues, has a great set of tips for toddler-related issues. Us? We're currently battling a sudden case of #6.

And if nothing else, there's always this video.

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