Monday, August 22, 2011


Recently, Holden has been developing an uncanny sense of direction. Last week, we went out for a few walks in the evening (with Holden riding in his stroller), and I would have plans to just walk around our neighborhood for a bit before his bath time. However, as soon as we got to the end of our block and I attempted to cross the street and keep going, Holden began to wave his arms and make the sounds of a frustrated toddler (lots of "no's" mixed with a healthy dose of huffing and puffing). I realized that he didn't want to go this way -- he wanted me to make a left turn and head that way ... to the park! We're several blocks from the park -- did he now know how to get to the park?? Well, we have walked this way a bunch, so I figured he just remembered the buildings or 'landmarks' on that corner. So I thought I would test him out.
We headed toward the park in a slightly different way that we normally do, removing any potentially familiar landmarks, trees, houses, streets, etc. Then, I made a sly turn to head in the opposite direction from the park, and ... ARMS SWAYING and MAJOR FRUSTRATION! As if to say, "Daddy, where are you going! The park is that way!" So we went to the park, and the same thing happened when I tried to use some stealthy maneuvers to get us out of the park -- Holden protested and knew we were headed out of the park. I eventually had to reason with him that we had to go home for his bath, but I was truly impressed with his ability to know exactly where we were headed (esp. in a large, busy urban park like Tower Grove Park).

So I guess Holden has some type of magnetic sense of navigation. You know, like migrating birds, bees, sea turtles, bats, and lots of other animals who rely on the Earth's magnetism to navigate, just like having built-in GPS devices. Except for Holden the magnetic poles are not the North and South Pole, but rather "the park" and "anything not the park." Before we know it, he'll be a little backseat driver ; )

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