Friday, October 8, 2010


I'm not sure if its daycare, changes in the weather, allergies, or all this travel that's making him sick, but Holden's been sporting an off-and-on cold since for almost two months now. (Probably a combination....). And today will be the third time we try to bring him to the doctor, with the hopes that she'll be able to remedy the problem. On the past two occasions Holden merely had a stuffy nose; today he's tired, a bit winy, and feverish. Maybe these colds have finally transformed into an infection in need of antibiotics. In any case, it seems like our luck has run out on having a persistently healthy little one. And it seems the famed curse of daycare holds true for Holden too.

1 comment:

  1. Poor guy. It's good that he is upright facing the evil day care germs. When Xander was really little, all that laying down made a simple cold or allergy turn into ear infections very easily.
