Monday, October 4, 2010

Holden rocks his first flight ... and wedding

There were two big exciting moments during our recent trip to North Carolina:
1) Bob and Lindsay got married (yay!)
2) Holden took his first flight

To start with, Bryna's brother's wedding was beautiful and lots of fun! They had their wedding outside at a really cool old house in Raleigh, NC. We got to meet Bob and Lindsay's friends in Raleigh, as well as Bob's new in-laws. And Bryna's parents were there, so Holden got to see his grandma and grandpa. We spent lots of time driving around the Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill area, either looking for someone to eat or letting Holden get a nap in the car. The weather was absolutely awesome, and we were so lucky to get there immediately after a Tropical Storm had dropped record rainfall on the entire region.

The other big excitement was Holden's first flight! We had been nervous about this one for months, fearing the worst but hoping for the best. Every time I have flown since Holden's birth and heard a screaming baby, I always thought to myself, "That's going to be Holden one day." But nothing could have been farther from the truth. Holden was a superstar while on the plane. Bryna's mom had purchased Holden an extra seat for him (yes, grandma is pretty smart!), which worked out really well. He was able to just sit in his car seat the whole time. On the flight there, Holden slept for almost half the flight, and quietly played for the remainder of the trip. On the flight back to St. Louis, he slept the entire flight!! Yes, the entire flight! Very awesome!

And Holden loved the wedding, and meeting all these new people. He got to dress up in his fancy outfit (although he had to wear sweatpants, since the pants that came with that outfit were still too big for him). After the ceremony, Holden had to inspect all of the flower petals to see which ones were real and which ones were fake. We stayed at the reception for quite a while, until Holden pooped out and we had to go back to the hotel. All in all, a very fun weekend, and Holden was a rock star!!!

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