Friday, July 29, 2011

On toddlers and blogging

We have been pretty bad bloggers this month, and perhaps its because we've practically shut down in July heat. Or maybe its because we've been busy checking out all that's new across the web 2.0 landscape (Google Plus, anyone? Pinterest?). Or most likely - because we've both been pretty busy working in our respective jobs. I'm truly amazed that people like our friend at DNA's Digital Diary can keep up with her two little ones' antics on a daily basis.

But it's hard to keep up with toddlers' lives - they seem to constantly be changing. One day they're as sweet as can be, the next day they,'s called the "terrible twos" for a reason. Plus, Holden's interests, language, and sense of imagination all seem to evolve so quickly.

For me, it's also become more difficult to put together posts because, as DNA Digital wrote some time ago, "Some stories are not for sharing." Holden's personality, his wit, his imagination - all of it has exploded in the last couple of months. And the older he gets, the more easily I can imagine him growing older, and (hopefully) wiser. Before we know it, he'll be a teenager, hacking into this account.

We'll keep posting, but we're going to be a bit selective. Some of the best stories - those will be saved for more private conversations.

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