Thursday, November 17, 2011

Quick Update: Photo Edition

One way to catch-up for lost time posting to this blog is to post some photos from the past month. Here are some of the things keeping the H-man busy recently.

Tapping into his artistic side (in memory of Cy Twombly)

Making cookies with grandma, and helping daddy make zucchini bread (which Holden also loves)

And simply enjoying the beautiful fall weather here in St. Louis by taking trips to Tower Grove Park, or even going hiking at Castlewood State Park.
And meet Owen, Holden's new best friend and favorite stuffed animal. He won't go anywhere without Owen, including hiking (see above). You are sure to see Owen pop up in further posts and pictures -- although it may be just a matter of time before he moves on to another favorite toy or animal.

Holden Meets John Deere

Holden's love affair with tractors began early in life, with books such as "My Terrific Tractor Book" inspiring a passion for this agricultural machine. When we went to our CSA farm up in Clarksville, MO, Holden was most excited about an old tractor they had. And while he has not yet ridden in a tractor during our trips up to Iowa, I know he associates tractors with Grandpa C (just as he associates boats with Grandpa M).

So his big birthday party comes along this year, and Holden actually got his own mini John Deere tractor with a trailer attachment. After both his grandpas got the box open, Holden was beside himself with excitement! But that excitement had to stay on hold for a bit while grandpa and grandpa assembled the tractor's parts (never an easy task, but fun to watch). Once the tractor was assembled, Holden loved it! He got the chance to show it off to his friends at his birthday party, and did a pretty good job of letting other kids sit on it or ride it -- only a few minor tantrums. With his little short legs, Holden can only barely reach the peddles, but he scoots along regardless ... and absolutely loves it!!!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Our Life Gets Hectic...and Holden Turns Two!

Oh...hello there blog! It's been a while. Yes, October was one of those months that went by in a blur of academic deadlines, fellowship applications, chapter writing, and professional conferences.

But enough about that. A lot happened in Holden's world too. He moved to the 'big kids' room at his daycare at the beginning of the month, a full four weeks before he turned two, which he LOVES. He had his big two-year old doctor's appointment, in which we discovered he's actually growing a good pace (getting taller, but skinnier, it seems). And he had a birthday weekend extravaganza with grandparents, friends, and backyard party, and a new toy riding tractor. Pictures will follow soon!