Wednesday, August 19, 2009

painting, painting, painting

Yep, that's the rule of the day: painting. This past weekend, I finished all the painting in the nursery-to-be, especially completely re-doing the closet (which I don't think had EVER been painted in its 103 years of existence -- there was so much bare plaster and wood). Pics to come soon.
And as if painting the nursery wasn't enough, I (maybe stupidly) have decided to repaint our bedroom tonight. WHY DO I THINK UP SUCH THINGS!?!? Well, I guess if we're ever going to do this, it's got to be now. Besides, nesting doesn't only mean getting the infrastructure ready for the Short Stranger; it also means allowing ourselves to primp up our part of the nest (even though that doesn't really fit the bird metaphor, since they don't sleep or live in their nests . . . but we do!). With the bedroom being painted, we'll need to stay with my parents for a night, then we're off to the Lake of the Ozarks to continue letting the paint fumes dissipate. Staying with the parents . . . not sure; but the Lake should be nice and relaxing.

We're approaching 30 weeks (73 days to go, or less), which is crazy. Are we really ready? I suppose you can never really be ready for something life-changing like this. We start our first birthing class next week, so I think that will help us be ready for the non-nesting-related part of having Short Stranger arrive. More updates to come (if I survive painting tonight).

1 comment:

  1. as my co-worker said to his wife: "If 13 year-olds can raise a kid, we shouldn't be that worried!"
