Tuesday, August 25, 2009

jumping on the Ovid bandwagon?

For some reason, I've been hearing a lot about Ovid and some Metamorphoses thing recently here in St. Louis -- I don't know, but something about some marathon, celebrity readers, etc. etc. So I figured, why not jump on the bandwagon and absorb Ovid into the Short Stranger's future. So here's a puppet theatre product I found that brings Ovid to kids: Puppet Plays for Children from Ovid's Metamorphoses.

When we undoubtedly attend the Pulitzer's happenin' this weekend, maybe the "pumpkin baby" will enjoy Ovid more than Black Eyed Peas -- to the delight of my boss and many other Greek mythology nerds (ha ha). However, I can guarantee that our baby will be seriously afraid of the freaky horror-film-like puppets included with this Greek myths play set (I know I am).


  1. You are a goofball! I'll make sure to let you know if the Short Stranger moves to the poetry of Ovid.

  2. Wow. I'm frightened by those puppets. Please don't share this with baby! Stick with the standards... goodnight moon and the wild things.
